
Julie and Julia

I finished this book a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. It is the true story of how Julie Powell decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cookbook in one year, whilst blogging about it.

"Government drone by day, renegade foodie by night. Too old for theatre, too young for children, and too bitter for anything else, Julie Powell was looking for a challenge. And in the Julie/Julia project she found it. Risking her marriage, her job, and her cats' well-being, she has signed on for a deranged assignment.
365 days. 536 recipes. One girl and a crappy outer borough kitchen.
How far will it go? We can only wait. And wait. And wait...
The Julie/Julia Project. Coming soon to a computer terminal near you."
~~ Julia Powell
Sunday, August 25, 2002

Julie Powell and her gimlet making husband live in New York. She has a rather dull desk job and decides to take on this great task in order to add more meaning and lustre to her life. Not being able to cook properly and doing it in the mouldy shamble, that is their flat, makes for a highly amusing read. Her wit and sharp passages give one a Sex in The City feel, all the while retaining the wholesomeness of the food.

I would definitely recommend this book.....with a few snacks on hand.



1 comment:

Samantha (everythingiheart.blogspot.com) said...

Ooooh YAY! Now i am even more excited to start reading it! :)

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