
R is for...


I am currently working with a new doctor in our department. She. Is. A. Retard. I am sorry, but there is no sugar coating this one. Actually she is a Romanian Retard, not that nationality has anything to do with it, but it has a nice ring to it. I cannot begin to explain the sheer magnitude of her retardedness, but let's just say that she has never heard of the most basic medicines, and it's not because due to a language barrier! One of my NY's resolutions for 2011 was to not speak badly about others, this year I have realised that the inner bitch cannot be suppressed and so RR gets to bear the brunt of this.

Today was Day 2 of the horrid-awful-painful 18 day stretch that I have inflicted on myself. I arrived at work to find the Romanian Retard singing to herself whilst trying to look at xrays...not a good sign! The day went from worse...to hell on earth...and then if it couldn't get any worse, Mrs Purple decided to return for the 3rd time this week.

God help me!



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